Here is an image showing elements of a Shark Business Plan including a ledger and calculator used in figuring the financials of a business plan, pricing strategies, and business funding parameters.

The Necessity of a Business Plan

    A business plan is the one essential tool necessary to acquire start-up or growth funding. If you had just one opportunity to present your product or business venture idea to the sharks on ABC's Shark Tank, or any other lender or investor, would you be up to the challenge? We understand that crafting a professional business plan suitable for presentation to lenders or investors can be a daunting task. Navigating the seemingly endless elements of a comprehensive business plan requires expertise and the proper tools to gather and assimilate data. Although financial projections are best-estimates, they must be grounded in reality and based on substantive data often acquired via marketing surveys to test consumer buying tendencies and preferences. At times, it may seem like hocus-pocus to present abstract data as fact. The truth is that business planning is a process of acquiring accurate information via research, defining and addressing your target market, exploiting potential sales opportunities, and reducing all the variables to a systematic written presentation. A thoughtfully prepared full business plan becomes your roadmap to success, helping you to understand requirements as you approach each new milestone in your growth process. If you're struggling to create a business plan, trust our years of expertise to meet the challenge with excellence for you. 

 The Value of Your Business Plan - Continuity and Growth

     Our staff of expert business plan writers is available to help you craft the perfect business or marketing plan, whether it be a simple plan to document your success path, or a sophisticated plan with full market research and multi-year financials targeting lender and investor audiences for funding acquisition. An old adage suggests "those that fail to plan, plan to fail." Business owners often wonder why they fail, struggle to reach their potential, or flounder in mediocrity. The act of transforming your plan from "head-knowledge" to an executable written plan is among the wisest investments an entrepreneur can make. Daily activities will no longer be consumed responding to constant crises, but following a well-defined roadmap to success.

We're well-versed in the expectations of lenders and investors and able to professionally craft your:

  • Executive Summary
  • Comprehensive Market Research
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Revenue and Growth Projections
  • Pro-forma Financials
  • Business Ratios

We're Empowered

    We subscribe to one of the world's most comprehensive electronic libraries that enable us to perform unparalleled market research and analysis. Our impressive scholarly and authoritative list of reference information sources include:

  •      Hoover's Pro
  •      First Research
  •      Academic Search Premier
  •      Business Source Premier
  •      and many others 

What You'll Get:

  •      A scholarly, customized, comprehensive business plan targeting your specific audience.
  •      Professionally organized multi-year financials and projections with investor-appealing charts and graphs.
  •      Courteous, confidential, timely, and affordable professional service.
  •      The peace-of-mind in knowing you've responsibly planned for the continuity and growth of your business.

What You Won't Get:   

  •      A canned or template approach to the most important business document you'll ever create.
Let the staff of experts at Shark Business Plans create your shark-worthy business plan. You'll be able to present with confidence to lender and investor audiences to acquire needed business funding, and gain a competitive edge from documenting your plan.